07. Let's Look at Where We Are

What You've Learned

So far, you've really done a lot in this section of the course. You've:

  • Programmed a histogram filter
  • Learned about the sense/move cycle in a Kalman Filter
  • Implemented a 1D Kalman Fillter
  • Learned how to represent a car's motion and state in a vector that could be transformed

And you've just learned a but about 2D and multidimensional Kalman Filters.

Linear Algebra and the Kalman Equations

Now, Sebastian said "not to worry" about the complex Kalman equations that he's written, but this course is meant to be a good foundation for real-world programming challenges. So, the rest of this lesson will be about how to really understand these equations. Along the way, you'll learn a bit about how to approach a challenge like this and learn a lot of linear algebra that will allow you to read any equations like the Kalman filter equations with relative ease!

If you are already comfortable with linear algebra, feel free to skip around this section, otherwise, let's learn more about these equations and the powerful tool: linear algebra!